Monday, April 21, 2008

checking in

just a quick post to say all is well with the arizona walkers. we just celebrated ellie's 4th birthday. where does the time go? she had a great day and her favorite present was a stuffed puppy with a leash and carrying bag. she named her julie. ellie is in a joy school group that meets twice a week. she is learning her letters and how to rhyme different words. i am amazed at how bright she is.

quincy is nearing the end of her kindergarten year. she has learned so much. i can't believe that she will be going into 1st grade. i am able to go and help in her class on tuesdays for a couple hours. i love that time. it is cool to be in her class and watch the learning process. there are two other kids from our ward in her class and they call me sister walker when i go in, so now most of the class calls me sister walker. funny considering quincy and these two kids are the only lds kindergarteners in the whole school. quincy is also in girl scouts and gymnastics and loves both. i really like the girl scouts, as it teaches goal setting and working through plans to achieve the goals.

rees is just into anything boy. he is so active and all over the place. he loves to play and run and laugh. he is fun. boys are certainly so different than girls.

i am just busy being a mom and taking care of the laundry. i have been called to go to girls camp this year to be in charge of programs. that will be fun once all the planning is complete. huge job and huge stress to make sure that all the programs are what the girls need. when i was released as young women president i was sad to not be able to work with the girls anymore, so this is awesome to be able to go to camp. i am also now getting into digital scrapbooking. much cheaper than real scrapbooking. i am loving it.

chris is busy working, changing blow out tires, and keeping himself free from the paper shredder at church. story: last sunday right after his bishopric meeting he was in the clerk's office. he leaned over to get something out of a drawer and his suit got caught in the paper shredder. (can you picture it?) it actually shredded his suit up to and including a button. funny.

post soon so that we can know what is up with you and your families.
