This is an email from Grandma--thought it was of interest.
This computer is supposed to make life simpler, and more organized, but itis doing just the opposite. Jim took our old tower in and had a new power supply put in. He can play solitaire on it and use some a word processing program and his drawing program to draw airplane plans. The older computer I use to keep our budget on. And I have some old family history on. This new one Wally has put photo shop on and lots of other programs we don't know how to use. We have 3 untitled DVD we can't remove from the computer. We tried to burn a picture, Wally tried and Simply Mac tried on two different computers. With two different people trying. All that happened was the bugler alarm kept going off and they didn't know why. Then the salesman said that we should sign up for a course on answering our questions. They can't answer any when we go in. I think it is very funny. Raymond gets called once a week or more asking about the same questions. He is so patient. If it were me I would just hang up. Heather has helped and we hired a girl to help, but she is too busy now. Melody comes over to help also.
Jim just used the old one unless Wally is here to help. I try emails, but I can't find them to see when was the last time I wrote and to who. I did buy a card program. For Birthday cards, etc. It has a lot of awful language and pictures. I hope I can learn how to change the words and find some decent pictures. So far nothing has been quite right. I hope you see the humor in all this. Are we just too old to learn?
We enjoyed seeing Michael and Julie perform in the primary program. Theyboth did sooo good. We had them come to eat so we could see their costumes. They are costume masters. Jacob was a package of a certain kind of gum. I think Mike was the devil. His face was black and red and his hair wasblack and spiked, Rosie was a back creature in leotards with a silver andblack mask that she expertly painted on. When I was at the Y. I hid and wouldn't go to a party because I was supposed to wear leotards. I felt undressed. How times have changed. Julie was a cute giraffe.
We're still walking and flying, the wind hasn't helped us much lately.We did enjoy visiting with Brenda while Jane was keeping stats at the high school tournament. The took 3rd place.
I am trying to get rid of all the things we won't use again. I have a box of build it projects that is up for grabs. Maybe Rudy will want them. I have a lot of paperback priesthood manuals that Chris might want. Let me know if you want anything. I have old marriage manuals. I am having fun going through them all.
Grandmas and grandpa Walker
It's nice to hear from grandma. :)for a little bit of clarification, mike was darth maul from star wars, and i was the tin foil fairy and was not wearing a leotard, just a black shirt and sweats. i was however, wearing a tinfoil tutu and did have a painted on mask. it was lots of fun!
is there a differnce between darth maul and the devil? Just kidding.
I want to know what is in Mom's getting rid of box?
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