Friday, August 1, 2008

Talking with Grandma

Yesterday, I went and visited Grandma and Grandpa Walker, and I got talking with Grandma about some stuff from her early life. I'd thought I'd share.

Grandma grew up in Salt Lake City and went to East High School, the same school that I worked at. It was in a different building back then, but the same place as it is now. She lived in the Sugarhouse area, and once her parents had children, they stayed settled down in one spot. Her mother's dream house was a one-and-a-half story house.

Grandma had a job working with music teacher--helping tend kids and cleaning, that sort of thing, I think. They were going to have a recital, and she was instructed to dust the floor. It was dark, and she couldn't really see, so she just wasn't very thorough. But when the recital came, the sun came up and shone on the floor and you could see just where she had swept. After that, the music teacher didn't need her anymore.

She had another job working at an ice cream place. They were open on Sundays, but they let her go to church and then work afterward. She was a car hop there, and she mentioned that there was a couple who came in every week and ordered two glasses of buttermilk (ick!). They always tipped her quite well, probably about a dollar or so.

Grandma was a sociable and nice, so the guys liked her. There was one guy that she liked as well. His name was Stu (not sure on the spelling). Stu asked her to go to a dance and Grandma wore her favorite rhinestone dangling earrings. When she got back from the date, she only had one earring. She didn't have a phone number for Stu, but she knew he worked at a car dealership so she went with a girlfriend there and asked if maybe the earring was in his car or something like that. After that, Stu didn't go with Grandma anymore. Maybe because he got in trouble at his work or thought she was too pushy, or whatever, but that was the end of it.

So that's what we talked about.

In other news, I just updated so that is in CSS and valid xhtml 1.0. This took me hours and hours and hours and the website looks pretty much the exact same. There is little fruit of my labor. Oh well. That's how a lot of things are. But now, if I want to, I could make the website look completely different by changing one style sheet. Before, I would have had to change each page (and there are over a hundred pages).

Wonderful. That's all.


trublubyu said...

that is awesome! thank you for sharing some of your visit with us. i love learning those little inside story things that are rare to get. you are so cool.

Lizdee said...

It's great to hear stories!!