Friday, May 16, 2008

I have a son-in-law and more

Yesterday, Clarissa said something about Liz's husband and it all felt so strange. I have to remind myself I'm gaining a son not loosing a daughter, but sometimes it feels the other way. They wedding was great. If I could have had 10 degrees of warmth everything would have been perfect. Liz was beautiful and Joe really is a very nice guy. We have all decided that he is now Daniel's favorite sibling. He doesn't seem to get annoyed with the "little brotherness" like the his brother and sisters do. Life really is good.
We got to talk to Ben and Emily. They both are doing so great. Ben has a funny accent, but no Texas drawl in Emily. Ben will spend his last few weeks traveling the mission, doing splits and helping the missionaries teach better. He was excited because he will be able to see the whole mission.
By the way, Chris and Stephanie have the cutest family! They came to dinner last night and it was pure joy having them around.

1 comment:

trublubyu said...

hey, thanks for the nice compliment about our family! We had a great time with you guys, too. thanks for having us over for a windy dinner.